Discover your personality type

Take our quiz below in order to discover your personality type.

There are no right or wrong answers to the questions in the quiz. The answers that you provide will show us how you like to make decisions and how you view the world. Knowing your own and other people’s preferences will help you work out how to play to your strengths and develop your areas of potential weakness. You will be able to use this information to work out which type of job may suit you best, where you may be most successful and help you build relationships with people of different types.

There are no limits to the number of times that you take the quiz. Please feel free to share this quiz with others who may also be interested to discover their own type.

At the end of the quiz, which will take you a couple of minutes maximum to complete, we will provide you with your four letter personality type, an explanation of this type, and strengths and weaknesses.  You can share your results with colleagues and friends using the social media buttons in your personalised results page.

Which answer appeals to you more and comes closer to describing how you usually feel or act?

THE FREE Personality Type QUIZ

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