Top tier Training & Coaching for >25 years. We are dedicated to your growth, happiness and success
Experts in NLP & Coaching. Join our success stories – It’s your life, it’s your turn NOW!

Anthony Beardsell – Trainer, Coach and leader.
We are experts in NLP, Coaching and Trading. Lead by Anthony Beardsell – Master NLP Trainer, Coach, Psychologist & Trading “All-star”. Our purpose is to help you grow & live the life of your dreams. Through this website, our training courses and coaching we aim to provide you with the tools that you need to get your life the way that you want it, improve your lifestyle and get the results that you want in life.
“You can do it if you put your mind to it…..” and have the right education and guidance.
We absolutely want the VERY BEST for you. This is core to our beliefs and the reason that we exist.
What can you expect from us? Read our customer charter, our promises to you.
Trading Coaching
Firstly, I cannot thank you enough for the care and attention you should towards my trading. It is completely unique and I am very blessed indeed to have crossed paths with you.
The non-trading side of you: especially following the last session I can see the depth of knowledge, understanding and most importantly implementation of this into your life, your positivity, use of NLP etc.
They say actions speak louder than words. You are a great example of that for sure!
NLP Coaching
I just wanted to drop you a line to tell you how Incredibly grateful I am for you spending your time with my son yesterday. It was so lovely to hear how positive he became after speaking with you. It seems he has such a beautiful connection with you.
You really have inspired him Anthony, so much, which is a rarity for him. I feel so very hopeful.
You certainly seem to have done so much already in my opinion.
He said you are the best person he’s ever spoken to about his feelings and that he felt that you not only listened to him, but that you heard him and that’s always the most important thing for him. He said he couldn’t wait to see you again so that’s only a good thing.
I’m so happy that you feel you can be involved and he is so very lucky and blessed to have your support.
Thank you, you wonderful human!
Be in touch soon 😊
- We have a diverse and powerful set of tools to share with you in order to help you be at your best in whatever you do.
- Our promise to you is to provide quality and value in our services and to work with you to achieve your goals and objectives.
- All of our training courses and coaching services are designed to help you develop your purpose, grow to your full potential and get your perfect balance in life.
- With that in mind, Excellence Assured is home to the NLP Training and Trading Training Academies.
Experts in NLP, Coaching & Trading
Excellence Assured and this website is an expression of our highest values: growth, happiness, contribution and success.
My Excellence Assured – Anthony Beardsell, lead trainer & coach, all-star trader & author of the books:
- Mind Management & Mindfulness
- Type and Personality (Underneath the Hood) – Myers Briggs 16 Personality Types (a coach and trainers perspective)
“Back in 2009 I reached a crossroads in my life and career. I was working hard. I was being successful. I was leading a successful team in the financial markets. Materially I had what I wanted in life. People around me envied me for my apparent success and for what I appeared to have in my life.
Inside, however, I felt empty. tired, overworked, and unfulfilled (this is what happens if we are not living to our highest values). I realised that I had stopped growing, I was not having fun anymore and above all else I could not make a positive difference to the people that I was working with in the way that I wanted to.
I decided at that moment that I needed to change. My own highest values are progress, love, health, success, contribution, fun, honesty and fitness. I set up Excellence Assured in order to express some of those values, to make a positive difference, to add value, to contribute to your happiness and success and to help you grow – it continues to be a fun and fulfilling venture.
I hope that through my work at Excellence Assured I can assist you in some way to: break out of your comfort zone, to overcome any anxiety, worry, or stress that you feel, to develop successful careers & relationships, to develop new and fulfilling habits and skills so that you can live true to your own values and move closer to growing towards your potential.”
All of the training courses available on this website have these four values at heart. It is our aim to provide you with resources and tools that will help you:
- grow as an individual, whether that be in work or in your personal development
- become happier and more content – love being you
- become more aware of how you can contribute and add value to others. Try the following out for a day and see how it makes you feel – Think like you know you are the greatest person on the planet (you know how to do that, don’t you?) and at the same time look for ways to be kind to others. My guess is that this will make you feel fantastic!
- develop your own strategies for success – Whatever field you work in learning with us will help you develop strategies to rise to the top of the tree.
Presented by Anthony Beardsell – Leading International NLP Master Trainer and Coach
Read Anthony’s 1st book – Mind Management & Mindfulness
Learn NLP | Become a Coach
Would it be useful to you to:
- build better relationships?
- gain purpose and direction in your life?
- gain motivation at will?
- help other people live happier and more successful lives?
- gain energy?
- be able to motivate and demotivate others?
- get rid of unwanted negative emotions?
- overcome phobias of flying, spiders, public speaking or any other phobia?
- gain peace with yourself?
- have a career helping others?
- communicate more effectively?
- learn to train and coach other people?
NLP can give you this value and much more besides.
Trading for a Living
Having spent 20 years working in financial markets Anthony has an expertise in Financial Trading that he is always keen to share.
Trading provides the opportunity for financial freedom and self-sufficiency that are craved by many. As a successful trader YOU are entirely answerable only to yourself. You rely on your own judgements, timing and skills in reading the markets.
Trading offers a huge challenge, risk and opportunity for those who are prepared to put in the dedicated hours of study to become skilled. Trading offers direct rewards for the people who become proficient and have what it takes to win in a highly competitive field.
Dedicated to your development – improving your world from inside to out
There are many many free tools, articles, tips, videos, audios for you to enjoy on this website. We want to contribute and add value to you and to others across the world with whom you share our website. People tell us that spending ten or fifteen minutes a day reading our articles, watching a video or listening to an audio helps them get motivated, focussed, confident, relaxes them and gives them ideas for progress and growth. We suggest that you bookmark this website and visit us regularly to benefit in this way.
Anthony and our team are ready to work with you in helping you grow.
Where do you want to go? Free resources:
- Learn a about NLP in our free library of NLP resources.
Personal and Executive Coaching with Anthony Beardsell
Anthony provides trading coaching and business coaching services either in person or via Skype, video call. If you are searching for a specific solution or just looking to grow, then work with Anthony one on one to achieve your objectives. Get in touch with Anthony here today to discuss your requirements.