Excellence Assured was born from the ideas and skills of Managing Director, Coach and Trainer, Anthony Beardsell.
We want you to be assured that we are working very much on your behalf. We also want to make some promises to you in terms of how you can expect to be treated as you work with us. These promises come as a result of us working around Anthony’s moral compass. Read more on this below
Our promises to you:
- We will treat you ALWAYS with respect and honesty
- We believe that you are a unique individual with lots to give to other people. You are beautiful, special, loving and caring.
- You deserve the best possible assistance and service in achieving what you would like to achieve in life – because we know that it will have a directly positive and beneficial knock-on to other people.
We absolutely reject the money dominated big corporate world culture that we believe is dominating too many work places, and which Anthony himself has personally rejected several times in his career. This is one of the primary motivators for Excellence Assured and one of the reasons we exist.
- We want to make a better world for everyone – to us this means treating people with respect, as equals and building people up rather than putting them down.
In your relationship with us we will treat you with this in mind. You will get the best from us.
Value for you –
If you buy from us then we will provide what we promise. We will expect fair compensation for the work that we put in and for sharing our expertise but we want you to know that you will get the very best value from us and we will strive relentlessly to provide you with skills knowledge and resources that you can use for your future to attain a far greater value than the compensation that you pay us – see this as your investment.
We will respect your email privacy and handle any personal information that you provide to us with the utmost care. We do not release information to third parties and will only contact you if you give us the consent to do so.
Anthony Beardsell’s moral Compass –
“Let us be a force for good together – WE can make this world a better place. “
Anthony’s beliefs and Moral compass:

Anthony Beardsell
“This is what I believe”
Our future together. Let’s make each other happier and in this way make THE WORLD a better place to live. We CAN do that together if each and every one of us wakens up to what is important.
Treat people with humility and respect. Treat people as equals. Listen to them, because you want to not because you have to.
Business Profit – is the result of doing something well and influencing people honestly. Adding value to someone.
Profit will come to organisations and people who operate their thinking and their lives according to certain basic human principles which are GOOD for everyone.
Kindness – Show kindness to others. This is your gift to them and it shows them that you appreciate them. Kindness doesn’t come at a cost. It can be anything.
Bless someone with a smile today. Smiling is kindness, it says “I am pleased to be with you.”
Kindness the knock-on effect – Showing kindness to others will make you feel good. It will make other people happier. As a result of their happiness and the gift that you give them they will pass this on to others and everyone will have a better day.
Praise is kindness and praise comes from the heart. It is more than just words and it is totally free. People love and deserve praise.
Listening – Listening to people is an act of generosity and is a form of kindness. It tells people that “I am appreciating you. You have something worthwhile to say to me and I want to listen.” Listen to your family, your staff and your customers. This is one way to make your life better instantly.
Recognise, who and what provides your golden eggs.
In life and in business you have a sphere of influence, your customers, colleagues, family, friends, readers, members etc. It is your responsibility to shed light on their lives, build up their sense of self worth and give them respect for themselves.
Live life positively
Be positive for people, with people and believe in them. You will find that they repay you a thousandfold. Treat people with a lack of respect, hold them down, cheat them or repress them and they WILL rise up against you. Who can blame them. They will either be the hens that lay your golden eggs or you will lose them. Either way know that you have the decision which way this could go.
Know that if you have influence over people then the response that you get from them is your responsibility, not theirs.
I wish you a great day and hope that some of this has rung some bells with you. Thank you very much for reading.
Anthony Beardsell