This NLP Cause and Effect language pattern will be familiar to you. Milton Erickson, the great American psychiatrist was famous for his ability to get results with his clients through the use of hypnosis. He noticed that clients under hypnosis would be more receptive to his suggestions, primarily because they were relaxed. He was able to bypass their normally obstructive conscious mind when they were in a trance and he was able to speak directly with their all powerful unconscious mind. Bearing in mind that all human learning and change takes place in the unconscious mind, that was a good thing.

When Richard Bandler and John Grinder studied Milton Erickson they identified that he used the same language patterns everytime that he put a client into a trance. Generally his hypnosis was subtle, often his clients did not even realise that they had been in a trance after their meeting, they just felt better and recognised that something had changed inside…

Bandler and Grinder decided that they too could use the same language patterns and get the same results with clients, and so they decided to share the patterns with us via NLP.  These patterns are now known as the Milton Model.

The pattern of Cause an Effect occurs where it is implied that one thing causes another. “I can make you understand the Milton Model without trance.” The word in the sentence that identifies it as one of Cause and Effect is “make.” In other words “I can cause you to understand…” I cause the effect on you.

It is necessary that in a Cause and Effect statement one thing will follow another, something will cause something else to happen.  So sentences with the word “make” in them will help you identify cause and effect at work.

“I am late because of you.” You therefore caused me to be late. The word “because” brings about Cause and Effect.

Of course a Cause and Effect statement is not necessarily true. It is implied that it is true. It is because the cause is implied to result in the effect that the sentence produces trance. The conscious mind has to try to work out if what the person is saying is correct or not. It temporarily confuses the conscious mind.

“If you believe in me then I can do it.” It could be true, but what will make it true? Hmmm. Slightly confusing.

Statements like the above have “If…then” in them and this is also used to identify a Cause and Effect.

As you read this page, then you begin to wonder how easy it will be for you also to use these statements. As you…then you – implied Cause and Effect.

If you read the rest of the Milton Model patterns then you will really have a powerful set of language techniques. Don’t carry on reading though unless you want to understand. The chances are though that the more you read, the more you will relax now…..