NLP Satir Categories
NLP Satir Categories are postures used in training or working with audiences in order to build rapport with the group.
There are five postures:
Placater – Palms upward, in an open gesture, with hands moving upward, often with a slight bow of the head. “I’m listening. And I agree.”
Leveller – Balanced posture, weight balanced, hands palm down and flat, and symetrically moving from mid-chest downwards and outwards. Voice falling. “So let me tell you the point of this.” Pause. Message is “Let me give you the facts. Believe me. This is how things are around here.”
Blamer – Accusing someone. Lean forward, arm raised, pointing finger of blame. “I’m the boss around here. What I say goes. Get it!” Used as These are three points I want you to get. The first point is…the second point is…
Computer – Thoughtful and passive One arm across the chest, and the other hand on-the chin in a thinking posture. Voice is monotonous. “I’m considering what you are saying.”
Distracter – Asymmetry. Angular spine and arms at different angels and at different heights. Distracting. “well you know, it is nothing to do with me. I’m just the trainer, you know.” Can distract hecklers.
The NLP Satir Categories were devised by Virginia Satir. Virginia was a family therapist and master communicator. Richard Bandler and John Grinder (the originators of NLP) modelled Virginia Satir in order to discover processes of excellence that they could package up and include in their body of excellence otherwise known as NLP.
The NLP Satir categories are designed for use in training and public speaking environments.