Uptime (and downtime) – NLP definition
When we are in uptime we are paying attention to what we can take from our senses, some people call this ‘being conscious’.
Uptime is where your awareness is outside, aware and not inside.
Downtime occurs whenever we go inside and pay attention to our thoughts. When we go internal for a bit of information from memories or when we get in touch with feelings.
Improve your ability to stay in uptime:
- Focus on the here and now
- Be in the learning state
- Be close to and observe nature
- Watch for any pictures, sounds and feelings that come internally and acknowledge them and then put them out of your mind
Uptime is the ideal state for training and learning. We train the Learning State at our NLP Training Courses and delegates tell us that it really speeds up learning processes for them, and also provides the equivalent mental and physical benefits to meditation.
You can discover how to access the learning state online at our NLP trainng centre.