[colored_box variation=”silver”]I learned that my subconscious had been influenced by other people’s perception of my individual circumstances as to what I should do. Negative connotations remain in my subconscious which meant I remained in the comfort zone. I also learnt that life events helped shape my internal representation of the situations where by I was sat in Effect. I genralised which meant that I assumed I could not achieve the outcome, however when I opened my mind to a different way of thinking by writing down my concerns and creating actions on how to overcome them, my perception of the situation changed. I created what I believed in by looking for it, and as a result was living up to my own expectations of not being able to afford to move house as well as not being able to afford to have children.
If someone says you can’t do something, then you can’t! Your subconscious and internal representations of associated experiences help re affirm your way of thinking. However if I choose my state of mind by reaffirming my capabilities to do something then my subconscious will realign itself to a positive way of thinking to support the overall outcome being achieved.
i.e “ how fantastic will it be when you start your new job” as opposed to “ Don’t worry about not having a job now, I know you will have one soon”. By focusing on the result my mind takes this as an instruction, however if a negative is presented in the same sentence this will become part of the instruction which will in turn impact my ability to achieve the outcome based on the way I think about it.
Our internal representations are not the event itself, it’s just our description based on our filtering systems. If I redesign my way of thinking by focusing on success, then I can re design my internal representations which allows me to move back in to Cause.
What was really interesting is how are body genralises without even thinking about it. What this exercise has taught me to do is recognise my generalisation as a result of my minds filtering systems.
If I’m thinking or feeling a specific way, I can look to understand what’s triggering it and how my though may have been constructed. If I’m then not happy with my state of mind at that time then I can focus on changing it in order to support a mores successful day, result ect. The key statement for me was you get what you focus on.
What was really fascinating for me was the minds connection with my body, for someone that suffers from having a bad back I have just grow to live with the symptoms. By removing the negative from my mind, and changing my subconscious to focus on more positive thing such as “My back feels great” has really opened my eyes to a new way of thinking.
It’s unbelievable, I can only describe the change in my mind set from negative to positive in this situation mind blowing. I woke this morning with a nagging pain in my back, and while in the shower I focused and said subconsciously to myself “My back is going to feel great today” and within seconds I felt as if something was running through my veins at that very moment, like a surge of energy or a vitamin boost or some sort. Unbelievably the nagging pain had gone. Was I creating it! Is it even real! Or was it something I was used to experiencing and my subconscious was programming the link with my brain to cause the feeling of pain repeatedly. Honestly this was an unbelievable experience and I can’t explain how I felt, shocked, surprised, and amazed.[/colored_box]