Already an NLP Trainer? Join our NLP Master Trainer Training & Mentoring program

This is a 6-12 month training programme in which you will receive all the training and tutoring from Grand Master trainer Anthony Beardsell so that you can start your own branch of NLP and run accredited NLP Trainer training courses.

In addition to the coaching you get from Anthony you will receive all our training material for NLP Prac, M. Prac and Trainer courses so that you can label them with your own brand and use them in your trainings.

We will ensure that your skills and training courses put you right at the top of the NLP training spectrum and comply with international standards and ethics as appropriate.

As part of the package and upon your qualification you will receive NLPEA free lifetime membership  and  accreditation and  for your own courses:

Which means – free lifetime NLPEA membership and accreditation for your students and their courses (as long as they meet NLPEA standards)

Mentoring on this programme is from Grand Master Trainer, Anthony Beardsell. An estimated 10x zoom sessions are included.

We will give you access to our online Practitioner, Master Practitioner and NLP Trainers courses, manuals and presentations.

THIS IS A WORLD FIRST – Update and upgrade your skills. NLP Training material updated to incorporate the latest from 21st century Neuroscience.

This programme is conducted by Anthony Beardsell. In his hands you will reach the pinnacle of NLP and in your hands Anthony will place responsibility for your very own place at the top of the table in the global NLP & Coaching network. 

You will be licensed to start your own brand of NLP & Coach training and conduct accredited Trainer trainings in these areas in addition to your existing Practitioner and Master Practitioner trainings. 

In this position you will face challenges and opportunities unlike the ones that you have encountered previously. Within the boundaries laid by our professional body, you will have effective corporate responsibility for the subjects (NLP, Coaching, Hypnosis, Timeline) that your network teach and the way in which they are taught. 

Bearing in mind the longevity of NLP, being now 50+ years in history, the field has been very successful and has a place in the human learning & development cycle, initiated by the Human Potential Movement. It is for the future well-being of this cycle that we must continue to develop and grow the subject of NLP and its coaching foundations. This is our joint responsibility and Anthony will prepare you for your role in this.

The NLP & Coaching heirarchy

NLP Alchemy 

Anthony will provide you with multiple ideas, theories and practices so that you can make your branches of NLP & Coaching truly yours and in doing this secure the future of NLP for many years to come. 

Your learning via apprenticeship is coming to the end you will have your own apprentices to assist and direct. Anthony intends this to be a pass-over of value – from him to you. He will lay bare his extensive knowledge and deliver it to you so that you can truly bear the fruits and monetise for your future. 

This is a form of Alchemy – Alchemy from NLP. 

Who is eligible for our NLP Master Trainer course?

If you are an NLP Trainer and have an accredited certificate to train in NLP then you are eligible.

Check with us if you are unsure whether you meet criteria.

We welcome NLP trainers from over the world.

What qualifications can you give? 

When you qualify you will have the honour to provide your students and course participants with certificates and qualifications as:

  • NLP Trainer
  • NLP Intervention Coach
  • NLP Practitioner
  • NLP Master Practitioner
  • Life Coach
  • Hypnosis Practitioner and Master Practitioner
  • Timeline Practitioner and Timeline Master Practitioner
Your fee: £25,000 £2,500 all in.

We currently charge a one time fee of £2,500 for this entire programme. We are sure that you agree, this is unmatched value – Start your Master Trainer program now.

Contact Anthony in the first instance to agree your schedule.