NLP Compulsion Blow-out Process


This is an NLP process for eliminating some behaviour (minor) that you are compulsed to do. It is not for obsessions.

It works with cravings as well. Here is how it works in brief:

If you have a craving for chocolate for example, then you can imagine eating a little bit of chocolate, quenching your thirst for it so to speak, this will increase your desire to eat chocolate. If however you imagine something ridiculous, say eating 30 bars of chocolate, then tests are beginning to prove that the compulsion to eat the chocolate will reduce if not disappear completely. You can test it for yourself on your own cravings!


Here is the NLP process for Compulsion Blow-out. This is from our NLP training and you can find out more including video demonstration and instruction at our NLP online training centre.

Part 1

  • Elicit a description of the thing compulsed about.
  • Elicit a description of something similar, but not compulsed about.
  • Get submodality differences.
  • Test the differences for drivers


Part 2

If you have a submodality that is infinite in extent then do a really fast continuous increase as in method 1, otherwise use method 2.


Method 1
  • If size or any other driver submodality is infinite, then blow up beyond the universe.
  • Initially the feeling of compulsion will increase.
  • At some point it will pop, or blow out.


Method 2
  • Use ratchet method (like a car jack)
  • Crank it up like a jack
  • They will go over the top


Part 3

  • Wait until the client settles down – 5 minutes
  • Test by having them make a picture, no compulsion.
  • Swish old picture with the new picture.


This is an NLP Master Practitioner technique, taught and practiced on our NLP trainings and NLP e-Learning programmes.