NLP Well Formedness Conditions for Outcomes and Goals
All people set objectives in life and throughout their days and they tend not to properly consider the various possible outcomes for the objectives. Especially neglected are the consequences, which are not always as desired.
For example, sometimes people end up in jobs and careers that they dislike. Normally, this is because they make the decision based on a need to earn money rather than a rational choice. Rational choices necessarily involve considering outcomes.
In order to activate the Secret for goals setting and achieving desired result in life it is is useful to use these well-formed conditions in the formulation of your plan:
These well-formed conditions are a recipe for successful creation of outcomes and goals. Write them out as a checklist and tick off the boxes as you consider your options.
So…is your goal..
- Stated in positive terms?
- Initiated and maintained by you?
- Specific sensory based description of outcome and the steps needed to get there?
- Ecological?
- More than one way to get the outcome?
- Is the first step specified and achievable?
- Does it increase choice?
We offer full training and guidance in how to design your life exactly the way that you want it and start living it! See our NLP academy for more information, or attend one of our NLP Training Courses.