Sleight of mouth – NLP

Sleight of  Mouth NLP patterns are verbal reframes. Patterns of plausible inference that can twist an argument around in an instant.  They are a system of language patterns for persuasion. The idea is to gently shift some beliefs by demonstrating exceptions to the generalisations.

These NLP language patterns came from Robert Dilts modelling Richard Bandler. It is said that Bandler never lost an argument using these language patterns.

A system of language patterns for persuasion. The idea is to gently shift some beliefs by demonstrating exceptions to the generalisations.

The two forms of surface structures on which Sleight of Mouth Patterns can be best applied are statements of Cause and Effect (eg she makes me smile/cry) and Complex Equivalence (Two things ar equated – Eg It’s grey and  miserable out there which means that i am going to have a bad day’).

This is an NLP Master Practitioner subject. We have first class NLP Training available throughout the UK and worldwide on the web via our  courses.