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We are born with certain innate traits and we add to them as we watch our parents and others during our childhood. These traits become our personality.

Although we are all unique as individuals many have noticed that people can be categorised in certain contexts and this can help us to understand them better.

Myers Briggs were two people who did just that.


16 Personality Types and Jung’s four typologies

16 Personality Types and Jung’s four typologies – 4 parts to personality

Personality Types come from Jung’s four typologies.   Jung defined four different categories of psychological profile. A focus on:

  1. our external behaviour (I or E) – whether people are extravert and may need people around them to stimulate them – we all know people […]

Personality Types in the workplace – for employers, managers and keyworkers

Personality Types in the workplace. Many employers use Personality profiling in order to help with staff recruitment, retention and development.

The key is to consider Job Scope, Roles, Duties, and the Key Attributes required for positions in order to draw up a desired personality profile or perhaps profiles that ideally may suit the role. 

The next […]

The four parts to personality – where do they come from?

In my childhood one of the things that I remember was the significant amount of order in our household.  On Mondays certain things happened, on Tuesdays certain things happened, on Weds certain things happened.  I knew what we were going to have for tea on Thursday. It was gammon and mash night, on […]

NLP Meta-programs and Jung’s typology

We can all agree, can’t we, that we have certain behaviours that are unconscious? You didn’t have to think about breathing when you were asleep last night did you? You didn’t have to think about how to brush your teeth this morning, or tie your shoelaces, you just did it without thinking, didn’t you?

Many of […]

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