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A unique experience in quality learning – from a newly certified NLP Practitioner

A newly certified NLP Practitioner speaks about our course

I am a newly qualified NLP Practitioner from Excellence Assured NLP Academy. This was a unique and quality learning experience.

As I say – This training was very unique to me and I observed that it brings with it so many other benefits.

Like for example: For a […]

Little Albert Experiment – Classical conditioning (NLP Anchoring), stimulus generalisation & phobias

NLP and Classical Conditioning

The Little Albert Experiment gives us a good introduction to how the human body and mind work together to deliver automatic responses to our environment and how to change our responses if we are minded to do so.

NLP offers techniques to help people to overcome phobias, better understand behaviour, rid themselves of […]

How false memories are created – Loftus and Palmer experiments (NLP)

am going to illustrate to you how false memories are created and how memory is distorted by information acquired after an event, the words used to describe it and questions asked about it.

I am going to explain this and illustrate it by describing two experiments done by cognitive psychologist, Elizabeth Loftus and John Palmer […]

NLP – Master your thinking, master your communication, future-proof your life

I’d like to explore your thinking today if that is ok with you?

Thinking helps us solve a lot of problems but it also sometimes gets us into a pickle and can get out of control.

My invitation to you is learn NLP – Master your thinking, master your communication, future-proof your life.

There are three timeframes involved […]

NLP and the 7 habits of effective people – first things first

First things first- Is it simply the best Time management tool of all time or a complete system for effective life management?

Today I have a treat for you. When I was at the peak of my corporate career around about the turn of the millennium I came across the book First Things First by Stephen […]

Your race to success – ideas to create your best year yet

Join me live at our recent leadership & NLP conference in London.

I really want you to be living at your best. For you and your family I want you to really at your best in the year to come.

Start your race to success for the next twelve months here.

Learn ideas and secrets to mastery used […]

Change unwanted habits with NLP (fast)

Welcome to the second in the series of NLP Bites. In this series we are discussing how NLP works and why it is so effective. 

I was amazed! Simply amazed!
By the time the night was approaching, I simply couldn’t believe that something I have been rehearsing since childhood could just be released so fast.

In this […]

Use NLP techniques to tap into your brain’s natural pleasure centre

In this article I am going to explain how NLP techniques tap into our brain’s natural pleasure centres. This will reveal to you one reason why NLP works so well!

You will get good value from this if have any level of interest in NLP. If you prefer watching to reading then watch the video below.

You […]

The difference between an NLP Practitioner/NLP Master Practitioner

What is the difference between an NLP Practitioner and an NLP Master Practitioner? NLP as a profession

NLP Practitioner and NLP Master Practitioner are the professional titles given to graduates of the respective NLP Practitioner and NLP Master Practitioner professional assessment and certification courses.

The qualifications and courses have been around since the 1980s and […]

Linguistics in NLP – Neuro-linguistics

Language – Linguistics in NLP

“The limits of my language means the limits of my world” – Ludwig Wittgenstein

The map (words) is not the territory (experience); the representations that a person utilises to describe their experience of the world are in actuality not the real world.

Language is therefore a powerful descriptive secondary representation (or filter) of the […]

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