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Creating change through visualisation

You can make pictures in your head, can’t you? Yes, you can. Of course you can.

Now, don’t think of a blue tree….

Did you think of a blue tree?  Did you picture a blue tree? So, not only can you picture things in your head, you can also construct pictures in your head of things that […]

Goal setting with your Timeline in mind

Setting goals is a common practice nowadays in business and is vital in terms of our own personal development. We all know that if you do not set goals and objectives, write business plans then you are at the mercy of fate and fate is random. You will not get what you want unless you […]

Why doesn’t dieting work?

Weight loss is a massive industry worldwide and getting bigger by the year, excuse the pun! How would you like to lose weight and it cost you nothing? Read on.

Everyone is looking for a quick fix, a way to lose weight with minimum effort and without drastically changing their lifestyle, this seems to be why […]

Successful presentations with NLP

Britain’s biggest fears are fear of flying, fear of spiders and fear of giving presentations. What is it about giving presentations that is so scary? You are not going to die if it goes all wrong! You do not get bitten and have to spend weeks in hospital. The worst thing that can happen is […]

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