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As one of the world’s leading NLP schools, we are pleased to provide you with a host of fascinating articles with practical uses for NLP (Neuro-Linguistic Programming).

Take your world in your own hands, get to know how your wonderful brain works and get more out of life. You deserve it!

Neuro – our nervous system. Linguistic – the way our nervous system interprets the world. Programming – the habit our brains have to repeat behaviour and language patterns and to interact with others.

Learn your thinking and behaviour patterns, learn and discover your behavioural pattens and you can effectively programme your nervous system to manage your body and health in better ways.

5 Essential Communication Skills For Entrepreneurs

To be successful in business, you need to ensure your communication skills are up to scratch. NLP training courses can help you build your skill set up – but first, here are five areas you may like to try and focus on in the months ahead.

Body language

Communication isn’t just verbal, you […]

Top 15 Biggest Fears For Men Revealed

The biggest fears for men have just been revealed in a new survey, with:

  1. illness
  2. death
  3. old age

….making up the top three.

Compiled by MR. by Jamie Stevens (which sells haircare systems for men), the study found that

  • terrorist attacks
  • getting into debt
  • being burgled
  • losing their hair
  • losing their job
  • snakes and spiders
  • their partner cheating on them

…..were all in the top ten fears that […]

Debt Problems ‘Trivialised’ By Soap Operas & Reality TV

Growing numbers are being influenced by reality television and soap operas to borrow more irresponsibly and buy goods that they can’t afford, with 80 per cent of people stating that how the media portrays debt is encouraging Britons to live beyond their means.

This is according to new research from the Debt Advisory […]

Make Positive Life Changes With NLP

If you are hoping to make a change in your life, or to help others reach their potential, then you should begin UK  NLP training as a way to learn essential skills to train your mind.

NLP was developed over 40 years ago by John Grinder and Richard Bandler. They set out on a very […]

Women 65+ & Living In The Highlands ‘Are Happiest’

Women over the age of 65 and living in the Highlands are the happiest people in Scotland, according to a new report from Bank of Scotland revealing that 39 per cent of the people who live in the region saying they’re very happy with their lot in life.

The Bank’s Happiness Index found that 30 per […]

Gaining Self-Confidence – Top Tips

A key way to making positive life changes is working on your self-confidence and building your self-esteem – something that NLP practitioner training can really help you with if you’re not sure where to begin.

Remember that confidence is not something that can be learned – it’s simply a state […]

The Effects Of Stress & How NLP Can Help

Do you know just how bad stress can be for your body?

There are many ways in which stress and anxiety can affect you and your mental health and wellbeing – here are just a couple. If you’re keen to take charge of your life and rid yourself of stress, why not consider online NLP training […]

How to build confidence

Welcome to the fourth part of our NLP and coaching uncovered webinar programme. In this series we are uncovering some of the secrets of NLP and coaching and for this particular webinar we are going to be concentrating on the subject of Confidence and how to build confidence using techniques from NLP. So, how using NLP […]

Is Self-Confidence The Secret To Success?

Being self-confident could mean you are more likely to be successful, if figures from a new study revealing that teenagers with stronger convictions regarding their own abilities go on to score higher in tests are to be believed. Going for NLP certification could help you improve your self-confidence levels if […]

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