Being self-confident could mean you are more likely to be successful, if figures from a new study revealing that teenagers with stronger convictions regarding their own abilities go on to score higher in tests are to be believed. Going for NLP certification could help you improve your self-confidence levels if you’re keen to make significant life changes this year.

Conducted by the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development, the survey found that boys who had more self-confidence about their maths and science abilities than girls outperformed their female counterparts when tested, with this effect appearing to be particularly pronounced in New Zealand and the UK.

Although girls worked harder, outperformed boys overall and were more academically focused, they were falling behind in science and maths in many countries, the report went on.

“Results indicate that even among boys and girls who are equally capable in mathematics and science, girls tend to report lower levels of subject-specific self-efficacy and self-concept,” it was observed.

NLP training is a brilliant way of building your self-confidence if you feel this is an area in your life in which you are lacking. One NLP method for improving this is the association of a song with more confident feelings – pick a tune that makes you feel especially good and whenever you’re feeling ill at ease or concerned about something, hum it or sing the lyrics.

Alternatively, you could try making daily affirmations, meditating in the morning and reminding yourself of all that is positive about you. The more you tell yourself that you are a self-confident person, the truer this will become.