Depression is a common problem in the UK, with the NHS stating that approximately one in ten people in the country will suffer from the condition during their lifetime. However, new research has suggested that depression in adults could also affect their children.

A Swedish study (reported by Reuters) that examined 1.1 million kids born in the country between 1984 and 1994 revealed that school grades suffered among children whose parents had been diagnosed with depression.

Nevertheless, mindfulness training online could help people overcome these issues. The National Institute for Health and Care Excellence says mindfulness-based cognitive therapy is a recommended treatment for preventing relapse in those who have previously experienced three or more bouts of depression.

Brian Lee, associate professor of the Drexel University School of Public Health in Philadelphia and senior author of the Swedish study, said it’s well known that depression is problematic.

“It’s less recognised that mental health outcomes affect other people than the people themselves. So for parents or guardians, a vulnerable population would be their children,” he explained.

According to Dr Lee, there was a “moderate” link between parental depression and children’s grades. However, the researchers said they were unable to definitively tell whether depression is the causative factor behind ailing educational performances.

Despite this, Dr Lee suggested depression falls between a family’s economic situation and the education level of parents on the scale of factors that have an impact on a child’s progression in school. The study, which was published in JAMA Psychiatry, is also available online