Mindfulness training courses could soon be a feature of the NHS, as a new report has suggested that the organisation could save money and reduce staff stress.

The Mindful Nation UK report, published by the Mindfulness Initiative, said that mindfulness-based cognitive therapy (MBCT) could improve patient health and wellbeing among those suffering with lower back pain, HIV, arthritis, cancer and fibromyalgia, the National Health Executive reports.

According to studies done, MBCT is able to reduce the risk of relapse for those with depression by 43 per cent. In fact, by treating chronic pain and depression with MBCT, the NHS could save £15 for every £1 spent.

Speaking at the launch of the report, director of the Mindfulness Initiative Jamie Bristow said that this type of therapy is currently underused in the NHS, with 72 per cent of GPs saying they want to refer patients but just one in five know how at the moment.

To find out more about mindfulness and its many and varied benefits, get in touch with us here at Excellence Assured. If you’re looking to overcome stress, anxiety or depression, or if you simply think you need to feel happier in your life, our Mind Management & Mindfulness training course could prove to be particularly useful.

You could lead a better life, gain in confidence and achieve a sense of inner peace through the practice of mindfulness. If this sounds good to you, give us a call today. We’ll be able to explain everything in full detail and set you on the right path immediately.